Haiti & Happiness

When disaster strikes others, we, at times, begin to feel guilty about our own happiness. Even if we cannot do anything to directly alleviate their suffering, we operate under the erroneous assumption that we should at least suffer along with them. As if adding more suffering to the world is somehow a noble and good thing!

I'm not suggesting that we should be cold, callous and cavalier when faced with the suffering of others. By all means, do whatever you can to ease their pain. And, if you believe it will do any good, pray, send healing energy their way, or sacrifice chickens. It can't hurt anything, except perhaps the chickens.

But the most powerful thing that all of us can do, regardless of our competing beliefs, is encourage and maintain happiness in our own lives, and in the lives of those around us. Happiness allows us to access the best within us. It helps keep us healthy, creative, and full of life. And it is in that condition that we truly can be the most help.

It is not disrespectful to be happy when others are sad; it is disrespectful to the Universe not to be. We have so many blessings, the only appropriate and intelligent response is gratitude, joy and appreciation. Increasing the overall level of happiness in the world is always a good thing. It empowers us and others and makes all of us more capable of relieving suffering in whatever small ways we can.

So, don't let your emotions be controlled by external events. Choose happiness. In good times, you may not even have to choose it, it blossoms naturally. But in trying times, in times of trauma, disaster and distress, you must step up to the plate and consciously choose to be happy. Otherwise, you fall victim to a general malaise that sets in when people feel powerless to influence their own lives, powerless to promote positive change.

You always have power -- the power to be happy, and the power to share that happiness with others. You are not able to directly help someone trapped beneath the rubble in Port au Prince, but that does not mean you should sink into despair and turn your back on the people you can help right here, right now.

Tragedy is by definition a terrible thing. We don't need to compound it by victimizing ourselves through abdicating our power. We can make a difference, not only in our own lives, but also in the lives of others. And it all begins within. It all begins with choosing happiness again and again and again. And moving forward with a smile in your eyes.

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