Happiness Habits

Some people think happiness is all about cultivating the proper habits. Rich Koch, author of The 80/20 Principle is one of those peeps. Rich has identified 7 daily habits, which he asserts if practiced religiously (or even paganly), will increase your "average daily happiness quotient" (my made-up, pseudo-scientific term). 

So, here are his habits:

1) Exercise
2) Mental stimulation
3) Spiritual stimulation
4) Doing a good turn
5) Taking a pleasure break with a friend
6) Giving yourself a treat
7) Congratulating yourself

1) Exercise -- We all know it's good for us both physically and mentally, but few of us do it   consistently. Two approaches that will help you maintain an exercise regimen: One, do something you enjoy. I enjoy tennis, swimming, walking. I like doing all these activities outdoors. I don't enjoy working out with machines, exercising in a sweaty, stinky indoor facility or playing team sports. So for me, to join the Y, a fitness club, or a bowling team is a  waste of both time and money. Second, exercise with a friend. I never would have run a marathon if I hadn't had a couple of friends to train with, and another to run it with. Camaraderie makes exercise less painful.

2) Mental stimulation -- This is more than just doing Sudoku, or an occasional crossword puzzle. Mental stimulation is about learning new things, updating your fossilized opinions, expanding your mind. Reading and discussion are two of the best ways of self-stimulating your brain, especially if you read in areas you are unfamiliar with and talk with people who are very different than you.

3) Spiritual stimulation -- just means spiritual practices of any kind. You don't have to participate in any formalized religion, so long as you find a way, whether throughmeditation, nature, dancing, contemplation, or whatever, of tapping into the Spirit larger than your own ego. The beginning of each day, before things get hectic, is for many people the best time to do their spiritual practice. 

4) Doing a good turn -- Hey, it ain't all about you! Even your own happiness isn't all about you. Help another, get happy. It's a simple formula. The only trick is you can't expect anything in return. No expectations, no attachments. Do the good turn because you enjoy doing good turns. A simple, powerful way to increase happiness for two -- them and you.

5) Taking a pleasure break with a friend -- and if  it's "a friend with benefits," so much the better! Actually, "the friend' part is the most important element here. Finding time each day to hang out with a friend -- whether in person, on the Internet,  or on the phone - - will just flat out make you happier. In fact that may be one good definition of a friend: A friend is one whose presence makes you happier.

6) Giving yourself a treat -- is a great way to be your own friend. Indulge in something you really enjoy. Variety and moderation are key here, except for the once in a blue moon blowout. Your treat doesn't have to be eating an entire box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies, it can be just a couple of cookies. Great treat, good exercise in willpower, too! The important thing is that each day you do at least one thing, or have at least one thing, that you don't have to do or have, and that you really enjoy.

7) Congratulating yourself -- Time for some self back patting. Everyday you do some amazing things! Everyday you go beyond the basics of eating, sleeping and taking a dump to do nice things for others, for your neighborhood, for the planet. Don't be so modest -- I know you do! So each night, right before you fall asleep, congratulate yourself on at least three things you did today. End the day on a high note, and your much more likely to wake up on one.

I'm not saying that Rich Koch is the Einstein of happiness, and this is the magic formula. I am saying that none of these 7 habits are going to hurt you, and in cultivating them you may be surprised how much they help you. Sure, there's more to happiness than these seven suggestions, but if you start these happiness habits today, we can talk about the more tomorrow. 

Oh yeah, and why not try an eighth habit as well -- smile!

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